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Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors and Management of 5E Resources remain committed to maintaining a high standard of corporate governance. Good corporate governance establishes and maintains an ethical environment in the Group, which strives to enhance the interests of the Company’s shareholders.

Audit & Risk Committee

At 5E Resources, our audit & risk assessment committee is headed by independent directors who serve as an impartial assessor of the company’s policies along with the committee chairman.

Their responsibilities include overseeing controls to ensure regulatory compliance as well as assessing the financial risk profile of the company and providing sound advice through their experience and expertise.

Internal Controls & Risk Management

We believe in the need to maintain sound and effective internal controls to monitor our daily operations in terms of operational risk management, anti-corruption measures, credit risk management and corporate governance.

During our internal audits, any material non-compliance and internal control weaknesses are identified before they are reported to the AC.

We manage risk under an overall strategy determined by the Board and supported by the Audit and Risk Committee, Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee. Acceptable risk management standards are set and risks are periodically reviewed by the Group and the Company.
Whistle Blowing Policy
Shareholders Communication Policy
Code of Conducts

1. Purpose


2. General Policy


3. Authorisation


4. Reporting


5. Proof & Evidence


6. Anonymous Report


7. Report to Whistle-Blower


8. Follow Up Actions


9. Protection


10. Confidentiality


11. False Reports


12. Dissemination of Policy


13. Maintenance & Review of Policy


14. Disclosure in Annual Report


1. Purpose


2. General Policy


3. Shareholders' Enquiries


4. Corporate Communication


5. Corporate Website


6. Shareholders' Meetings


7. Investment Market Communication


1. Introduction


2. The Foundation of The Code - The Group's Vision, Mission & Values


3. The Code of Conducts


4. Conducting Business With Integrity


Contact Us

place 5E Resources Sdn Bhd (200601022459 (742213-K))
Plo 738, Jalan Platinum Utama, Zon 12B,
Pasir Gudang Industrial Area, 81700,
Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia.
Call Us +607-252 1288 / +607-252 1388
Email Us [email protected]
Certification   Certification
ISO/IEC 17025
SAMM 1162
Copyright 2025 by 5E Resources Limited. All Rights Reserved
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